Course Syllabus

Diagram of a brain with a note saying, "Don't Forget."

Red header with "Introduction."

Thank you for visiting this online course, devoted to Memorization Techniques, created by the Rinella Learning Center! Many of us struggle with remembering information: just like any other skill, however, memorization can be improved with practice and the proper technique! This online course will begin by giving you a chance to evaluate how well you are currently doing with memorization, and identifying what works vs. what doesn't work for you. From there, we'll talk about concentration, sensory stimuli, strategies, and other important techniques to improve your ability to remember information. At the conclusion of this course, you'll have a chance to test these skills to see whether they have been effective for you! In addition to exploring this course, we encourage you to visit us on the 3rd floor of the Shriver Center to work on memorization and other helpful study skills!

Red header with "Objectives."

  • Self-Reflection: You will reflect upon your current state of memorization/information retention.
  • Concentration: You will understand and apply practices designed to further concentration.
  • Memorization Techniques: You will learn about various techniques for improving information retention.
  • Memorization Skills: You will gain the ability to apply memorization techniques in order to retain information more effectively.

Red header with "Module List."

 Lesson 1: Memory Assessment

Red hexagon.

Lesson 2: Concentration

Red hexagon.

Lesson 3: Sensory Stimuli

Red hexagon.

Lesson 4: Mnemonic Devices

Red hexagon.

Lesson 5: Applying Memorization Skills

Course Summary:

Date Details Due