Course Syllabus

Student handwriting.

Red "Introduction" header.

Welcome to the Rinella Learning Center's online workshop on Preparing for Research Papers! The goal of this short online course is to help you master the art of planning for, composing, and completing a productive research paper. During your time at the university, you may be asked to produce research essays on a wide variety of topics - this course will provide you with skills to enhance your essay-writing ability in all disciplines and subject areas. The first step will be to assess your current approaches to research paper preparation. From there, we'll break the essay-writing process into a series of smaller, more manageable steps, including performing research, getting started with writing, organization, and editing.

Red "Objective List" header. 

  • Metacognition: You will think critically about your own practices regarding research paper preparation.
  • Research Skills: You will better understand the purpose of college-level research, as well as how to perform it on your own.
  • Process-Based Writing: You will see writing as an iterative process, in which drafting and revision are essential components.
  • Editing Skills: You will learn techniques designed to help you edit your own writing more effectively.

Red "Module List" header.

Lesson 1: Who Are You as a Writer?

Red hexagon.

Lesson 2: The Research Process

Red hexagon.

Lesson 3: Getting Started

Red hexagon.

Lesson 4: Organization

Red hexagon.

Lesson 5: Editing Your Work and Course Survey

Course Summary:

Date Details Due