Top Features To Look For In A Corporate Booking Tool

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Have you had enough of the stress and bother of organizing business trips? Consider making use of an internal booking system instead. Tools like these simplify arranging every facet of a trip, from airfare to rental cars. With so many options, how do you pick the one that will best serve your business? 

In this blog, we'll cover the most important qualities of a corporate booking tool. We'll review everything you need to know, from ease of use to safety, to choose a solution that makes corporate travel management a snap. 

  1. User Experience

A corporate booking tool should be very user-friendly and easy to navigate. The interface should be intuitive. It should provide a smooth booking process. Customization options such as branding and personalized messaging can improve the overall experience for users. Here are some tips to increase the user experience.

Importance Of A User-Friendly Interface

With a well-designed interface, planning a trip is a few clicks away. Try to find a program that can do what you want it to do with minimum clicks. As a result, less time will be spent onboarding and training users.

Streamlined booking process

A smooth booking process lets users book travel quickly. Look for a tool that makes booking flights, hotels, and rental cars simple by guiding users through each step of the procedure. The booking process should be simple and require minimal user input. Also if the corporate hotel ratesare pre-decided, employees will not have to look for them manually and waste time in choosing the one that best fits the bill.

Customization options

Customization options can help businesses tailor the tool to their specific needs. Look for a tool with branding options that allow businesses to customize the tool with their logo and other branding elements. Personalised messaging can also help improve user engagement and make the tool feel more personalized.

  1. Integration with Other Tools

In addition to user experience, integration with other tools is another important factor to consider when selecting acorporate booking tool. Integration with travel management systems, expense management systems, and mobile devices can save time and improve efficiency. 

Integration with travel management systems

Integration with a travel management system can help businesses manage all aspects of their travel program in one centralized location. Look for a tool to integrate with your existing travel management system to streamline processes and reduce manual work.

Integration with expense management systems

Integration with an expense management system can help businesses easily track travel expenses and reconcile travel spending. Companies can negotiate corporate hotel rates much lower than individual rates for mass booking. Look for a tool to integrate your existing expense management system to simplify expense tracking and reporting.

Integration with mobile devices

Today's travelers rely on their mobile devices to manage their travel needs. Look for a tool with mobile integration that allows users to book and manage travel arrangements. Mobile integration can improve the overall user experience and increase engagement with the tool.

  1. Cost and ROI

Cost and ROI are crucial factors when selecting abooking tool. The tool should be cost-effective and provide a positive return on investment.

Importance of cost-effectiveness

When evaluating the cost of a corporate booking tool, it's important to consider the long-term benefits of the tool. While some tools may have a lower upfront cost, they may not provide the same level of functionality or integration with existing systems. Look for a tool that provides a good balance of cost and features, and consider the long-term benefits of the tool.

Ability to track and measure ROI

To ensure that the tool is providing a positive return on investment, businesses should be able to track and measure ROI. Look for a tool with reporting and analytics features that allow businesses to track travel spending and identify areas for cost savings. By measuring the ROI of the tool, businesses can ensure that it's providing value and meeting their travel management needs.

  1. Travel Policy Compliance

Corporate travel policies are important for controlling travel spend and ensuring compliance with company guidelines. When selecting a corporate booking tool, it's important to consider features related to travel policy compliance.

Ability to enforce travel policies

The tool should be able to enforce travel policies to ensure compliance with company guidelines. Look for a tool that can restrict travel options based on policy rules, such as class of travel or preferred vendors. This can help control travel spending and ensure that travelers book within company guidelines.

Customization options for travel policies

Travel policy customization options can help businesses tailor the tool to their specific needs. Look for a tool that allows businesses to customize travel policies to match their existing policies and guidelines. This can help ensure that travelers book within company guidelines and reduce the risk of non-compliance.

Compliance reporting

Compliance reporting can help businesses track travel policy compliance and identify improvement areas. Look for a tool with reporting and analytics features that allow businesses to track compliance with policy rules, identify areas for cost savings, and make data-driven decisions to improve travel management processes.

  1. Booking Options

Booking options are another important factor when selecting a corporate booking tool. The tool should provide a wide range of travel options and allow easy booking of flights, hotels, rental cars, and group travel.

Wide range of travel options

The tool should provide a wide range of travel options to ensure travelers can find the best options for their needs. Look for a tool that offers a variety of flight options, hotel choices, and rental car options. This can help ensure that travelers can find options that fit within their budget and travel preferences.

Ability to search and book hotels, flights, and rental cars

The tool should allow for easy searching and booking of hotels, flights, and rental cars. Look for a tool with a user-friendly interface and intuitive search features. The tool should also allow easy booking of clear and concise booking processes.

Booking options for group travel

In addition to individual travel, the tool should also provide booking options for group travel. Look for a tool with features that allow for easy booking and management of group travel arrangements, such as group booking options for flights and hotels and the ability to track group travel itineraries.

  1. Reporting and Analytics

Reporting, analytics, and customer support are important factors when selecting a corporate booking tool. The tool should have robust reporting and analytics capabilities and provide quality customer support options.

Ability to track travel spend

The tool should be able to track travel spending to ensure that businesses can identify cost savings areas and make data-driven decisions. Look for a tool that offers reporting and analytics features that allow businesses to track travel spending across different categories, such as flights, hotels, and rental cars.

Reporting capabilities for travel data

The tool should also have robust reporting capabilities for travel data. Look for a tool that provides customized reporting options for stakeholders, such as finance, travel managers, and executives. The tool should also provide access to real-time data and the ability to export data for further analysis.


A good corporate booking tool can provide significant value to businesses by simplifying the travel management process and reducing costs. Businesses can effectively manage their travel spend by selecting a tool that meets their specific needs and excels in key areas such as user experience, integration, cost and ROI, policy compliance, booking options, reporting and analytics, customer support, and security and improve overall travel management processes.

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