Vladimir Okhotnikov: metaverses - space for investment, business and recreation

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Vladimir Okhotnikov, an expert in the field of blockchain and decentralized finance. He claims that blockchain can change humanity for the better and proves that cryptocurrency is the future.

The article examines libertarian ideas about the inadmissibility of state encroachment on individual freedom. Cryptocurrencies, in his opinion, open doors for everyone leading to financial independence and getting rid of total control. The phenomenon of metaverses, characterized by the author as follows:

The Metaverse is where you find true freedom. This is a virtual space in which you can communicate, find friends, look for work, entertainment, and even create your own business. A decentralized economy opens up such opportunities for us.”

The article presented shows what government regulation of the crypto industry should really be. The author consistently examined the position of users in virtual reality and revealed the existence of certain rules prohibiting people from freely disposing of their digital assets.

Vladimir Okhotnikov: the metaverse as a space of endless possibilities

The article allows us to look at the problem of identifying the fundamental purpose of the existence of such a phenomenon as metaverses. Vladimir states the multitasking nature of this new phenomenon in public life:

Entering the metaverse market opens up unprecedented opportunities for any business, be it fashion brands, real estate or cars. In the virtual space you can create, work, pay for goods and services.”

The transition to Web3, Vladimir claims, will solve a number of problems, including those related to antisocial behavior. If in “classical” virtual reality avatars are simply fictional characters, then metaverses will provide the user with everything necessary for full communication. This will partly find a solution to an age-old problem in the real world - social exclusion.

Regulation is coming

Regulation of the new industry is a topic that Vladimir pays special attention to. He believes that government regulation of metaverses could happen quite soon. Therefore, the author recommends that those who would like to take advantage of the limitless possibilities of a new field of activity not hesitate.

It's no secret that taxation is a headache for any online business. Faced with the requirements of different jurisdictions, companies are forced to spend money on armies of expensive lawyers - and without any guarantee that they will help resolve all problems with a particular state.

Citing metaverses as an example, the author makes it clear that virtual reality is not yet regulated by law, so work in this area holds promise.


The article questions the well-known prejudice that immersion in virtual reality leads to problems with excess weight and other diseases caused by a sedentary lifestyle. Vladimir gives here the example of Nauru - an island with magnificent beaches, an abundance of seafood and mediocre Internet, whose inhabitants nevertheless occupy one of the first places in the world among those who struggle with obesity. It is stupid to assume, says Vladimir, that the entire population of Nauru is sitting in virtual reality:

Virtual reality does not chain you to a chair at all, but offers a large space for self-realization. Imagine, you do yoga, but not alone, but in a circle of like-minded people whom you met in the metaverse.

The author pays considerable attention to the fact that virtual reality is just a tool that needs to be used correctly. In capable hands it will only bring benefits.

At the moment, the metaverse industry is a promising global project that combines the advantages of the latest technologies, NFTs, virtual reality and the ability to communicate with a wide variety of people. This area has not yet been subject to government regulation and offers a lot of options for implementing business ideas. Read about this and much more in the original article by Vladimir Okhotnikov.

About author

Vladimir Okhotnikov is a libertarian, an expert in the field of digital finance and the crypto industry. He is known as a supporter of decentralized finance and an opponent of the dictates of central banks. Vladimir published a block of analytical articles devoted to digital currencies, virtual reality and the shortcomings of the traditional financial system. His deep and unconventional approach to the topics he explores arouses undoubted interest.

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